Alphonse Karr Bamboo (Bambusa Multiplex)


This Clumping bamboo has an attractive green stripe on a gold stem. This bamboo is one of the few non-invasive bamboo plants that will not consume your yard and needs no protective barrier to keep it from spreading.

Reaches a height of 15 to 20 feet although it can be trimmed at lower heights if a hedge effect is desired.

As with most clumping bamboo, this is a subtropical bamboo. North of Columbia South Carolina it may defoliate during cold winters.

A very attractive hedge bamboo that provides an excellent tall visual barrier for narrow areas. This bamboo will not send out invasive runners as does running bamboo and therefore needs no underground barriers to keep it in place. This bamboo will grow in shade or full sun and actually prefers partial shade in the Charleston area. Prefers well-drained soil and addition of composted manure will enhance its growth rate. This bamboo plant can be used as a houseplant in a sunroom with adequate light